Deutsch / Română
German State Theatre Timișoara

Robert Bogdanov-Schein

Robert Bogdanov-Schein was born in 1999 and graduated from the Academy of Music and Theatre Arts at Falmouth University. In addition to classical theatre, Robert is interested in experimental and sensory theatre as well as European folk music.

Since 2016 he has been part of the Experimental Sensory Theatre Association as a trainer and actor, staging sensory theatre performances in the labyrinth and teaching disadvantaged communities using the therapeutic theatre method.

Robert is one of the youngest members of the GSTT ensemble. Among the productions he has been involved in are: The Snow Queen by Yevgeny Schwarz as Kai; Humans. For Sale by Carmen Lidia Vidu; TSCHICK. Why We Took the Car by Wolfgang Herrndorf as Maik; A Midsummer Night's Dream after William Shakespeare as Flaut, the Bellows Patcher; Lysistrata 3.0 after Aristophanes as Hippolythos; The Jungle Book after Rudyard Kipling as Buzzle the Eagle; The Dragon by Evgheni Schwarz as Charlemagne.

Over the years he has collaborated with several directors: Yuri Kordonski, Niky Wolcz, László Béres, Pascal Rambert, Carmen Lidia Vidu, Irisz Kovacs, Kristóf Szabó.

Other collaborations include work with Moon Fool under the direction of Anna-Helena McLean, a former actress, at the Gardzienice Theatre Practice Centre in Poland, participation in the International School of Theatre Anthropology and training seminars with Ikarus Stage Arts, Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium, Denmark.


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