Deutsch / Română
German State Theatre Timișoara
Acum vezi arhiva reprezentației din:
April 26, 2024, 7:30 p.m. (Season 2023-2024)
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Friday, April 26, 2024, 7:30 p.m.-8:40 p.m., at the Timișoara Students' House - at the 22nd International Festival of German-Speaking Youth Theatre - DAY 1

Hänsel and Gretel

based on the Grimm Brothers –– Directed by Simona Vintilă

Musical fairy tale by Simona Vintilă (script) and Ilie Stepan (Music), after the Grimm Brothers

Song lyrics: Dana Borteanu

Who ever does not know the famous Brothers Grimm fairy tale? Poverty determines the woodchopper and his wife to take their children into the woods and leave them there. There, the children fall into the hands of a witch who wants to eat them. There is, however, an escape, the two being helped by a storyteller and two friendly elves. Whether they manage to free themselves and how, and what happens to the witch, that remains to be seen!

Surtitles: RO

Age limit: 6+ 

Premiere: February 5, 2012, 5 p.m.
Duration: 01:10


Richard Hladik

Isa Berger

The Father
Franz Kattesch

The Mother
Isolde Cobeţ

The Witch
Tatiana Sessler-Toami

The Storyteller
Dana Borteanu

Oana Vidoni

Radu Brănici
Stage Direction
Simona Vintilă

Set and Costumes
Ioana Popescu

Ilie Stepan (a.G.)

Liana Iancu (a.G.)

Valerie Seufert (a.G.)

Botond Nosz (a. G.)

Technical direction
Cătălin Tănase

Press excerpts


