Deutsch / Română
German State Theatre Timișoara

Richard Hladik

Richard Hladik is one of the young actors of the German Theatre, part of the recent generation of the "Nikolaus Lenau" High School who chose the theatre in German. In 2013 he graduated German language acting at the Faculty of Music and Theatre of the West University of Timisoara.

Since then he has acted in a lot of productions at the German Theatre: David Greig's Europa as Morrocco, A Midsummer Night's Dream after William Shakespeare as Flower of love-madness; Lysistrata 3. 0 after Aristophanes as Alcibiades; The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling as the Mad Ape; The Theatre by Pascal Rambert as Rocco; Sidy Thal by Thomas Perle and Clemens Bechtel as P. Fleschin; The Cherry Orchard by A. P. Chekhov as Iasha.

He has collaborated with directors Peter Kerek, Szabo Istvan, Volker Schmidt, Răzvan Mazilu, Charles Muller, Kristóf Szabó, Niky Wolcz, Clemens Bechtel, Pascal Rambert, László Béres. 

In 2017, he was part of 10 for Film, a program to promote theatre actors, organized by TIFF. In 2019, Richard was awarded the ProCultura Timisiensis prize, category Certitudes, by the Timisoara County Council. Isolde Cobeț, NiL's pedagogue, who also trained him, said about him at the time that he is: "Blond, wild, naughty, but warm and cuddly, part of NiL's soul, passionate, with good stage intuition."


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