Deutsch / Română
German State Theatre Timișoara


Joe Masteroff –– music: John Kander –– lyrics: Fred Ebb –– based on John van Druten's play "I am a Camera" and on a book written by Christopher Isherwood –– German version by Robert Gilbert –– short version for orchestra by Chris Walker –– Stage direction and choreography by Răzvan Mazilu

In 1930s Berlin, when Nazism came to power, Sally Bowles, a young singer and dancer in a night club called Kit Kat, falls in love with Cliff Bradshaw, an American whose dream was to become a novelist. At the same time, though of old age, Ms Schneider and Mr Schultz are living their own delicate love story, which cannot materialize into marriage because he is Jewish. Between humour and resignation, ludic and decadent, fulfilled dreams and shattered ones, the fate of the characters in the musical "Cabaret" are marked by a political and social context whose influence is just at the beginning. 

"Cabaret" – a world of fascination and deceit at the same time, whose scenic depiction and songs that have become hits of the genre, won the hearts of millions from the very first staging, in 1966. 

Premiere: February 27, 2014, 7:30 p.m.
Duration: 02:30


Sally Bowles
Daniela Török

Georg Peetz (a. G.)

Cliff Bradshaw
Konstantin Keidel (a. G.)

Mrs. Schneider
Ida Jarcsek-Gaza

Mr. Schultz
Christian Bormann (a. G.)

Mrs. Kost
Dana Borteanu
Tatiana Sessler-Toami

Ernst Ludwig
Radu Vulpe

Olga Török

Silvia Török

Oana Vidoni

Eva Danciu (a. G.)

Suzana Vrânceanu (a. G.)

Horia Săvescu (a. G.)

Richard Hladik

Max, the club owner
Franz Kattesch

Two Ladies:  Olga Török, Horia Săvescu (a.G.)

Gorilla-Mädchen: Suzana Vrânceanu (a.G.)

Sailors: Horia Săvescu (a.G.), Richard Hladik, Aljoscha Cobeţ

Two nazis: Richard Hladik, Aljoscha Cobeţ

Orchestra: Gianluca Vanzelli (a.G.), Marius Roman (a.G.), Cristian Ilie (a.G.), Nicolae Bialiş (a.G.), Dorin Tereu (a.G.), Sergiu Cârstea (a.G.), Emil Ionescu (a.G.), Valentina Peetz (a.G.), Ionuţ Dorobanţu (a.G.), Szamtártó Zsolt (a.G.), Sorina Savii (a.G.), Valentin Tătaru (a.G.), Călin Pop (a.G.)

Choreography and stage direction
Răzvan Mazilu (a. G.)

Set and costumes
Dragoș Buhagiar (a. G.)

Music direction
Peter Oschanitzky (a. G.)

Stage speech
Linda Moog

Assistant director
Rareș Hontzu

Practician for stage direction
Isolde Cobeţ

Assistant scenographer
Ioana Popescu

Assistant choreographer
Hellen Ganser (a. G.)

Technical direction
Radu Muj
Costinel Stănescu

Musical training
Angela Balici (a. G.)
Roxana Ardeleanu (a. G.)

Light design
Botond Nosz (a. G.)

Lucia Preda (a. G.)
Bojita Ilici

Press excerpts


