Deutsch / Română
German State Theatre Timișoara

The Fire Raisers

A didactic play without a moral with an epilogue
by Max Frisch –– Directed by Gábor Tompa

”The Fire Raisers” parable – entitled in subtitle as “a didactic play without a moral” – speaks of the failure of the common man to take action against an imminent threat: strangers show up one by one in the cosmetics producer Biedermann house. Although scandalized by the information in the press that the arsonists in disguise would get into people’s houses on various pretences, only to set their houses on fire afterwards, Biedermann does not take a stand against the intruders in his own home. The grotesque comic and the critical accents accompany the action’s development towards an outcome, which with each step becomes inevitable. Frisch started work on the text in 1948, and the absolute premiere was in 1958 in Zürich, followed shortly after by instalments in over 50 theatres in various countries. The lack of reaction on behalf of the lead character was sometimes interpreted as a reflection on the conduit the allowed the ascension of a dictator such as Adolf Hitler.

Premiere: September 16, 2016, 7:30 p.m.
Duration: 02:00


Mr. Biedermann
Franz Kattesch

Babette, his wife
Enikő Blénessy

Anna, a maid
Ioana Iacob

Schmitz, a wrestler
Radu Vulpe

Eisenring, a waiter
Rareș Hontzu

A police officer
Konstantin Keidel (a. G.)

A Philosophy Dr.
Ida Jarcsek-Gaza

Widow Knechtling
Olga Török

The Choir of Firefighters
Dana Borteanu
Isa Berger
Tatiana Sessler-Toami
Silvia Török
Oana Vidoni
Anne-Marie Waldeck
Isolde Cobeţ

Epilogue of The Fire raisers

Mr. Biedermann, Babette, Anna, A police officer, Widow Knechtling and The Choir - as above

Beelzebub - Radu Vulpe

A character - Rareș Hontzu

The Guenon - Ida Jarcsek - Gaza

Stage direction
Tompa Gábor

Set and light-design
Helmut Stürmer (a.G.)

Carmencita Brojboiu

Florin Fieroiu

Original Music
Vasile Șirli

Ovidiu Zimcea

Ilona Varga-Járó

Assistant director

Richard Hladik

Assistant scenographer
Zsolt Fehérvári (a.G.)
Cezarina Iulia Popescu

Technical direction
Radu Muj

Musical rehearsal
Roxana Ardeleanu (a. G.)

Ramona Dinescu



